Saturday, November 29, 2008

I'd Like You To Hear: Matt Pond PA.

I must admit, Matt Pond PA is one of those bands that I'll never get sick of. His voice has a certain quality to it that melts my heart. What made me decide to feature this band, beside the fact that they are amazing, is that they came out with a new EP titled Freeep. That's right "free ep". Download it in it's entirety right here. Gotta love the chance for free (legal) music. Especially if it's this good.

The video featured below is for their single, So Much Trouble, off one of my favorite albums, Several Arrows Later. Enjoy!


Sorry I haven't posted in a long while. A lot of things have been going on lately, and while trying to sort them all out, I ended up neglecting my blog. But all will change soon. I plan on updateing more frequently. I finished the headband I've been working on, and bought some pretty rad accessories. Just need to get on top of things and take some more photos! I also plan to continue making hair accessories. I have tons of new ideas all I need now is some funding! haha

Again, sorry for the unexpected break there.
Soon it will be back to normal. :]